Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Obeisance to Thee, O Bhava!

Thou art the form of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, the Sacrificer, the Moon and the Sun. (Ashtamurti)

Thou art beneficent and abidest in all that is;

Obeisance to Thee!

Thou abidest in the Upanishads,

Thou art Shruti (Veda), Shruti owes her birth to Thee.

Thou art beyond the senses.

Thou art the eternal Mahah (All Might);

To Thee obeisance again and again.

Thou art neither gross nor subtle.

Thou art Shambhu (the Good).

Thou destroyest the ills of this world.

Obeisance to Thee, O Bhava (Existence)!

Thou art far beyond all polemics.

All-knowing Thou art and grantest the fruits of penance,

And the fourfold aims of human life.

Obeisance to Thee and again obeisance!

Thou hast no beginning, no middle and no end.

Thou dispellest all fear.

Attributeless art Thou and great.

Yogins alone can meditate on Thee;

To Thee obeisance and again obeisance!

Thou art the Universe, and beyond thought.

Thou destroyest the pride of Kama.

Thou annihilatest Time (Kala).

On Thy forehead shines the Moon,

To Thee obeisance again and again!

Thou eatest poison and

Art seated on the constantly moving Vrsha (Bull of Dharma).

The flowing waters of Ganga holds like a string

Thy matted locks in place;

To Thee obeisance!

Pure Thou art and purifiest,

Thou art the innermost Atma of the pure.

Thou art the Destroyer of Tripura.

Thou art all and Thy name purifies;

To Thee obeisance!

Thou grantest enjoyment and liberation to Thy votaries,

And art to them devoted.

Thou hast no home, no cloth to cover Thyself,

Yet art Thou the Ruler of the Universe;

To Thee obeisance again and again !

Thou art the root of the Three (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra).

Thou hast three eyes. Obeisance to Thee!

Thou art the Light of the three lights (Sun, Moon, Fire).

Thou destroyest rebirth;

To Thee obeisance!

The gems in the diadems of Devas and Asuras tint,

With a rosy tint, Thy feet.

Charming and beloved Thou art,

And hast to Thy beloved given half Thine own body;

Obeisance to Thee again and yet again!

~Sri Sharada Tilaka XX:149-160 (translated by Arthur Avalon)

Aum Namah Shivaya.

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