Monday, July 20, 2020

Doctrine of Time

Today, we examine a passage from the Vinashikha Tantra (वीणाशिखा तन्त्र), a text found within the shikha group of the Bhairava canon. The Vinashikha focuses on Tumburu, a form of Shiva now largely forgotten. Just as Sadashiva is the central form of Shiva in the Siddhanta stream (srotas) and Bhairava is the central form of Shiva in the Dakshina stream, so Tumburu is the central form of Shiva in the Vama stream of tantras, of which Vinashikha is one. 

Within the Vinashikha, it is said that he who knows Time (Kala) also knows the Eternal Shiva (verse 233), and this doctrine is explained further below. We have previously seen why Shiva is called Mahakala, but here we understand it a little differently, in a more mystical manner. 

In the passage below, we find the sankhya ontology explained in a succinct manner. Beyond the 24 tattvas that make up physical reality (prakriti or pura) is the purusha, the individual self or spirit, residing in the lotus of the heart. The Lord, who is beyond purusha and prakriti, also resides deep within ourselves. He is the center of our existence, just as the pole star is the center of the heavens, and everything revolves around Him. The whole world originates and dissolves in Him. It is interesting to note the absence of discussion of higher tattvas characteristic of tantric Shaivism. The ontology discussed herein is remarkably similar to that found in the Linga Purana, and likely suggests a similar age for the composition of the Vinashikha. 

Now, the Lord is said to reside at the tuft of the spine (sahasrara chakra) and Kundalini Shakti resides at its base (muladhara chakra), dormant. The purusha residing within the cavity of the heart strives to reach up to the Lord in the sahasrara. Time, equated mystically with the 21600 respiration cycles (hamsa) that make up the day, allows this passage, this union. The hamsa powers the upward flow of Kundalini Shakti to the sahasrara chakra allowing for Her to unite with Shiva. 

Said another way, Time exists to allow us to power the Kundalini Shakti lying dormant within so She can unite with Shiva in the sahasrara padma. Time exists only so the individual can realize Shiva within. Time is the great Creator of this experiential reality and the great Dissolver of it all. Time is Shiva and the means to realize Him. He is Mahakala, Time Divine

As the grammarian Bhartrhari has said: kalaya tasmai namah - Oh Time, salutations to thee! 

Aum Namah Shivaya

The Lord said: 

O Goddess, hear the supreme mystery, the embodiment within oneself of the real nature of Time. Having obtained knowledge of this, the possessors of mantras easily obtain success.

Twenty-one thousand six hundred [respiration cycles] should be recognized in a twenty-four-fold rhythm occupying the regular course toward and from the mystic centre which lies at twelve fingers' breadth [dvadashanta; sahasrara chakra]. 

For the benefit of the practitioners I shall explain the hamsa as it resides within the body in divisible and indivisible form.

Wise men recognize twenty-five categories of reality [tattvaswithin the body.  Feet, organs of excretion and generation, hands and speech [karmendriyas]; ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose [jnanendriyas]; earth, water, fire, wind and space [mahabhutas], sound, touch, form, taste and smell [tanmatras]; and mind, intellect, ego-consciousness, the unmanifest [prakriti] and the purusha. 

With these (being considered) as substrate, the superstructure should always be meditated upon. The substrate is called the Fortress [Pura], the superstructure is called the Purusha, who resides in the filament of the lotus of the heart, striving upwards, of the nature of existence. This is the residence of the indivisible [nishkala] God within the substrate. 

That Purusha; the substrate and the superstructure; this body consisting of the six covers, the twenty-five tattvas; the Fortress [Pura] with the ten airs [pranas], pervaded by yogic ducts [nadis], the three temperaments [gunas: sattva, rajas, tamas] and inhabited by hosts of Deities -- all this revolves like a wheel under His presidence, that indivisible Supreme Shiva. 

Just as the whole host of stars, planets and celestial bodies in orbit revolve around the presiding Pole Star despite being immovable, so is the body to the Lord identical with the complete host of Bijas. 

Having obtained the insight that [this body] is presided over by Shiva, one will attain success in the Tantra.

The Shakti, which has the crooked form of three-fold bending [Kundalini], characterized by the sixth vowel (U), pervaded by the Bindu, residing in the body, of divisible nature - of Her, a fiery tuft exists, subtle, equal to the flexible stalk of a lotus. And it should be known as having a glowing form; at its extremity Shiva resides. 

The whole living world up to Brahma's heaven, from a to ksa (as it's phonic manifestation) originates from Him and is dissolved at the same place. 

This is the supreme, subtle Lord who resides within the substrate and the superstructure. 

Vinashikha Tantra 238-253  
Trans. Teun Goudriaan
(edited for clarification)

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